Every situation comes with opportunities, and COVID is no exception. Despite things being challenging, many opportunities have come up. Businesses have come up with different strategies for remaining afloat, and people have realized business gaps that they never knew existed.
Today, we have a fantastic show for you. Travis of the Sunrise Shack will be joining us. He will be sharing the changes that COVID has brought about in his life and to his business. He will also help us understand The Sunrise Shack better, and who knows, we all might decide to be his customers.
Are you ready for a fantastic episode? Listen in

Talking Points
- The current state of the island
- How COVID has helped Travis refocus his life
- Health habits that Travis practices
- The Sunrise Shack products
- Travis’ anticipation for the reopening of Hawaii
- Travis’ definition of Success
- What does the future hold for The Sunrise Shack?

[02:35] How are things on the island?
[06:08] What inspired Travis to refocus?
[08:42] Non-negotiables for Travis when it comes to health and wellness?
[11:14] Travis’ recommendation for someone going to Sunrise Shack for the first time
[15:50] Ways in which people show love for Sunrise Shack that surprise Travis
[18:18] What does Travis anticipate once visitors start coming back to the island?
[22:21] What does Success mean for Travis?
[23:11] What’s the future for the Sunrise Shack?
[25:19] What would Travis want anyone visiting Oahu for the first time to know before they get off the plane?
Key Quotes
“A virus never goes away, and I don’t think just the vaccine or something is going just to cure it all. I think it’ll be around, and we’ll have to live with that. I recommend to people to the prize, start getting healthier, and start exercising. That’s the best vaccine”
“Throughout this pandemic, it’s taught me that a simple life is a nice life.”
“Get in tune with your body and your mind. If something’s bothering you, it’s like a little thing that’s nagging you or whatever, try to think what that would be from and how can you make it better.”
- Sunrise Shack Website
- Sunrise Shack Instagram
- Sunrise Shack Facebook
- The Smith Brothers YouTube
- HawaiiCovid19.com
- Episode 2 with Travis Smith of the Sunrise Shack
- Hawaii’s Best Instagram
- Bumper music, Ukulele and Chill, provided by Coby G (used with permission)
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Bryan Murphy, owner of Hawaii’s Best Travel, is a certified Hawaii destination expert from the Hawaii Visitors Bureau. He actively participates in the Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau as a member and has a strong educational background focused on local culture and sustainability. As the host of "Hawaii’s Best Travel," a top-30 US travel podcast, Bryan combines his years of experience with valuable insights. He connects with a broad online community, reaching nearly half a million people, and offers a richer, more responsible way to experience Hawaii.