(Unofficial) Cultural Practitioner Kahanuola Solatorio is back on the podcast. This time to share what Hawaiian words to know before you visit.
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ALOHA – hello, goodbye, love

MAHALO – Thanks, appreciation

MALIHINI – Tourist, visitor

KAMA’ĀINA – Native-born

HAOLE – Foreigner

‘ĀINA – Land

WAI – Water


MĀLAMA – Take care

‘ONO – Delicious

KAPU – Sacred



Kahanuola Solatorio is a native of Kewalo Uka, Kona, Oʻaha. Kahanuola received his Bachelor of Arts degree in both Hawaiian Language and Hawaiian Studies and a Masterʻs degree in Elementary Education from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.

Kahanuola is currently a kumu (teacher) ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi at the Kamehameha High School Kapālama campus and is also a member of the Hawaiian musical group, Keauhou. Kumu Kahanuola began his @ehoopilimai social media journey in 2020 for Mahina ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi, posting videos to his story teaching ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi to his mom, “student cousin Cappy”, and his page took off with followers from around the world.

Since then, he has built a community of learners across the pae ʻāina and around the world who participates in his free weekly classes hosted on Zoom and continues to collaborate with our businesses and organizations (like NHSS!) to platform Hawaiian Language in all places possible.


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Bumper music, Aloha Friday, provided by Coby G (used with permission)

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Hawaii's Best 0:03

Welcome to Hawaii's Best Podcast, where we help you prepare for your next trip to Hawaii. Discover the experiences, businesses and stories that make Hawaii the Aloha state. And now your host, Brian Murphy.

Bryan Murphy 0:18

Hello, and welcome to another episode of boys bass, where we help prepare you for your next trip to Hawaii. I'm your host Brian Murphy and today we are joined again with our unofficial cultural practitioner. Gohan. Hey, what's up man?

Kahanuola Solatorio 0:32

Aloha. Aloha emphasis on unofficial,

Bryan Murphy 0:37

unofficial what since we we talked last week, we did a podcast on Mayday and since then it's been a little while and how are you doing?

Kahanuola Solatorio 0:49

I'm doing great finishing up my school year. So I have two more weeks of school. Everything's going good. Ready for summer. So yeah,

Bryan Murphy 0:57

any big plans for I'm

Kahanuola Solatorio 0:58

going to be traveling, I'm actually going to be on the continent for the month of June, going to Vegas and visiting my sister in Phoenix and couple friends in Washington. So looking forward to that. And then maybe I'll make a detour and drive down for this guy, you folks. Yeah.

Bryan Murphy 1:15

Yeah, man, I hope we can meet up in June, we'll be back over to the islands of winter, next couple months. So be sure to we'll probably take all this part out. But if people don't care, Leave it. Leave it in. Anyways, today we're talking about some words and phrases to know some of these you probably already know as you're listening to this, you've probably heard some of these and even one of the phrases we're going to be talking about, we did a whole podcast episode on the word Aloha, the official language of Hawaii is the Hawaiian language. And it's really at the heart of the culture of Hawaii. So we wanted to get together again and do another podcast and talk about some of these phrases that you may have seen, you may have heard and you might come in contact with as you visit the islands. So Connie, we were gonna kind of we were both looking at the same list here. We're gonna just take it from the top. And as you're listening to this, we're also going to link a blog post below where you can go ahead and grab all these words and phrases, print them out. Don't feel like you have to memorize all and we just want you to kind of be familiar with some of the phrases and words you may come in contact with and some that you just should know as you're traveling to Hawaii. So Connie, we're going to kick it off with number one. Aloha,

Kahanuola Solatorio 2:39

which means exactly aloha means Aloha. Normally, I guess the simplest terms would be Hello, goodbye and also love So I mean, Allah has pretty well known throughout the entire world as at least Hello people can know aloha Aloha, you know, right referred to our our last.

Bryan Murphy 3:01

Yeah, we did a deep dive into into that and having a low hobby more of a way of life. So definitely want you to go back and check that episode out. Alright, number two,

Kahanuola Solatorio 3:12

what do we got on number two is another one that's pretty common are pretty well known throughout the world and that is mahalo, mahalo. So mahalo, kind of on the other side, when you leave someone can say Aloha, which means also means goodbye. And you could say mahalo, which means Thank you or I appreciate you and to mahalo is bigger than just those two things. You know, mahalo has a whole lifestyle. It's being appreciative of someone else's time and their efforts and their work. So yeah,

Bryan Murphy 3:44

and these two words are, are probably the most frequent that travelers people visiting would come

Kahanuola Solatorio 3:52

right when you get off the airplane you're gonna hear 30 ella has at the airport or you know, so many signs that say aloha And mahalo, thanks for coming. So two very important words but again, packed with so much meaning hard to water down to, you know, one specific definition. But if you were to it would be Aloha. Hello, goodbye, love. Mahalo. Thank you or appreciation.

Unknown Speaker 4:18

Gotcha. All right, Number Number three. Number three. This

Kahanuola Solatorio 4:21

is maybe a new one to many of you, and that's going to be a whole PD my Molly Heaney. Malini Molokini, yeah, so that's a common, I don't want to say mispronunciation. But yeah, a lot of people think there's actually a after the the L but it's I so it's gonna be Molly Heaney, Molly Heaney.

Bryan Murphy 4:42

Molly Heaney.

Kahanuola Solatorio 4:43

Yeah, there you go. If you're not familiar with that word, it means like a tourist or a visitor. So everyone who comes to Hawaii for the first time or who travels here as a tourist would be considered Molokini? Yeah.

Bryan Murphy 4:56

I've also heard and Amala Heaney could also be someone who has lived on the islands for a short time or is that

Kahanuola Solatorio 5:03

yeah. So you probably may know that many people will choose to move to Hawaii for, you know, to live after retiring or whatever. So, definitely before you become to say, but yeah, you'd still be considered a Molokini for, you know, however many years it takes you to become accustomed to how we are how we our way of life and all that kinds of stuff. And that brings up our next word, which come I know you want to try that with me. Come on, come on. Yeah, so combina is a native person, someone that's native to Hawaii, someone that knows the culture knows the land, the people. So yeah, on the opposite spectrum of Molokini, you have those two different words come I know and money Heaney, so I would be considered a combiner.

Bryan Murphy 5:52

Yeah. So come on doesn't necessarily deal with culture that correct. It's basically like you said, native born. So you're born

Kahanuola Solatorio 6:00

in Hawaii? Yeah. Yeah. So there's actually a lot of I don't know if you heard this term come out in a discount. So if you're like, you know, if you're a Hawaii resident, then you get a discount at a restaurant or whenever. So, yeah, if you're born here, and you have a Hawaii State ID, then yeah, but it's actually, um, if you break it up, yeah, the two words in it is come out. And I know, I know, we know it's land. And karma means to bind. So it's pretty much saying that you're being bound to the land, or even come up with awesome, you know, a child, so a child of the land, so many different ways to look at that one word.

Bryan Murphy 6:40

So I know we're kind of maybe splitting hairs a little bit. So can a Malini become a combiner?

Kahanuola Solatorio 6:45

Yeah, definitely. And I know a lot of examples of people in my life who, you know, they immerse yourself in the culture, they immerse yourself in this place. And I think one of the most the things people love about Hawaii definitely is the aloha spirit. And it's hard to embrace it if you weren't taught it, or you if you're born and raised here. I don't know, I'm not the the person that decides if you become a Molokini, or, you know, come after me. But yeah, I think it's pretty much up to you, how you embrace the Hawaiian culture and the Hawaii ness of being here. You know, that's when you can become a combiner. God's up to you.

Bryan Murphy 7:26

Yeah, that makes sense. Okay, number five.

Kahanuola Solatorio 7:29

Yeah, so number five is kind of controversial. Yeah, it's a very interesting word. And it is going to be wholly interesting enough is that people automatically assume holy means Caucasian or white bread, you know, but how late in the dictionary is actually comes out to foreigner, someone that's, you know, it's not from here. And again, if we break up those two words, you can get ha, which is breath, and all air, which is like no breath. And you may think that's interesting. But if you look back into Hawaiian culture, you see, one of our main forms of greetings would be the honey, where you put your two noses under nose and your friend's nose together, and then you take a breath together, and that's called a Ha. So when the first foreigners came to the shore, and they came with without that, honey, they're like, oh, Holly, that's interesting. You know, there's no breath between this these new kind of people. So that's where they got Khalid from. It's a cool kind of story to think about.

Bryan Murphy 8:29

So the controversy around the word, maybe you can give us a little insight on that.

Kahanuola Solatorio 8:35

I guess, over time, people just maybe automatically attach the word how late two white people or two Caucasian people, but I try and just think of it as just a general foreigner term, you know, it's hard, because we talked about it a little bit in our first podcast that we did, about the troubling history of a V with the foreigner, you know, American businessmen coming to Hawaii stealing whatever they stole. So that's why how lay, that terminology gets kind of misconstrued. And, you know, people are like, there is some kind of racist attitudes in it, you know, With that word, you kind of have to go back and watch our first podcast to kind of understand a little bit more if you don't, yet,

Bryan Murphy 9:19

right, really, at the heart of that word is kind of what you already said. And sometimes words and phrases kind of take on a different connotation as time goes. Yeah, but going back to foreigner, I think that story, and I didn't know that about Captain Cook, and all these people don't greet us the way that we're accustomed to. Yeah. And that's kind of that makes complete sense of the the origins of that word.

Kahanuola Solatorio 9:48

Yeah. And that was, you know, the story that I heard from my coworker, my teacher, but when I look at it, I'm like, oh, that kind of makes sense. You know, how are they no breath. Yeah, kind of interesting.

Bryan Murphy 10:00

Got it. Okay, number six, we've already touched on it with Kama aina. But I know.

Kahanuola Solatorio 10:05

So I know it's very important to the Hawaiian people and I know just simply means land. But like we kind of went over land mean so much to our people, because that's where we get our, you know, our food or resources. If you're born here, you know, you have a connection to the land that no one can ever take away because we are a part of the land. And this kind of takes me back to another story about our first color plants, which is a very, you know, Taro, which is a very, the staple food of our people back in the day. And from what I learned, we are descended from that one Taro plant as Hawaiian people. So we are definitely connected and binds to them. And no matter who you are, if you're born here, and if you're Hawaiian, especially, then you have that connection to the land that is secure, it's always going to be there for you. So it's a cool thing, way to think about it.

Bryan Murphy 11:00

That's probably one of the most important takeaways traveling into Hawaii is the connection that why people have to the land. And that's why you probably hear us say over and over again, different ways that if you are going to choose to visit Hawaii, how you can mallamma on and take care of the land and be a part of that because the land is so important and sacred.

Kahanuola Solatorio 11:28

Yeah, I think just a couple of things to remember is, you know, when you go somewhere or when you go to the beach, make sure you take your rubbish with you take, you know, leave something better, right then when you got there, make sense?

Bryan Murphy 11:41

Got number seven.

Kahanuola Solatorio 11:43

Yep. So number seven, you have Vi Vi means water. Try that with me, Vi Vi. Yeah. And then you see we use that V sound for that. But you can also use y with the W. But mostly what I hear is vi in Hawaii, you know, we're surrounded by water. We're surrounded by ocean for miles and miles. So we're definitely water people. We have many chants and songs dedicated specifically to water, our source of water where water comes from. And if you look at the Hawaiian word for valuable or for rich, it's going to be vital. So pretty much water water is the word for valuable so you see how much we price or we hold water in and how much we respected? Yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 12:27

Alright, number eight.

Kahanuola Solatorio 12:28

Number eight. Very important, because pretty much why many people come to Hawaii is our car. Hawkeye, you want to try that? copy? Guy? Hawkeye. Yeah. So ca k means beach. If you break it down, Kai actually just means like, ocean or sea. You know, like we were talking earlier, when you go to the car pay. definitely enjoy the experience, but leave the beach better than how you how you arrived? Yeah.

Bryan Murphy 12:56

Yeah. So an example of that would be to obviously take out what you bring in. Yeah. And if you see something on the way out, take it out with you.

Kahanuola Solatorio 13:05

Yeah. And I guess over there, what is your favorite beach?

Unknown Speaker 13:09

I can't tell you.

Kahanuola Solatorio 13:10

But is it a secret?

Bryan Murphy 13:12

White Plains

Kahanuola Solatorio 13:13

cocoa? Yeah. So mines is Waimanalo right after makapuu. So on the eastern side? Yeah. The best or maybe that's

Unknown Speaker 13:25

awesome. Okay. Yeah.

Kahanuola Solatorio 13:26

Our next word. We kind of touched on it when we talked about I know. But Ma Ma, you want to try that?

Bryan Murphy 13:31

My llama?

Kahanuola Solatorio 13:32

Yeah. So my llama is to take care. Just take care of not only your surroundings, but take care of yourself. Take care of your family. That's why we always say Mama, Mama Kanaka Mama. Yo, Mama. That's another thing that I always say. Take care of

Bryan Murphy 13:50

mom's day. Yeah.

Kahanuola Solatorio 13:52

Yeah. So yeah, so many things that you can mallamma and take care of. Yeah, yeah. Okay, number 10. We have this is one of my favorite areas. I was gonna say our favorite. Yeah. And that's going to be Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Yeah. So this one has a okay now at the beginning of the word, and that's just like, an accent. So when you say the word you're gonna have to kind of stress that that Oh, so you're gonna go Oh, no. Oh, no. Yeah, so Oh, no means delicious. Good. You know, when you eat something and you really like it, you can say Oh, so on. You know, if you're in a way and you're at a restaurant and you go on or they're gonna be like, Oh, I you know that weren't you know, that kind of stuff. So, yeah. Move at your next one. You have couple couple. Yeah. So couple means sacred or it literally is a Hawaiian eyes word version of taboo. So couple mean sacred. So if you ever see a sign out in the nature or wherever you're going and that this couple, just know that it means you kind of enter that space. Well, it could be for many reasons. One being it could be dangerous. Another means Meaning it could be sacred, you know, there could be bones kupuna ecopreneurs there that you shouldn't be going around, or just, it's just couple of inches sacred. So those are some of the reasonings behind it.

Bryan Murphy 15:14

Like I mentioned, we're going to have a blog that we're going to link to where you can get all these words you can follow both of us on our Instagram accounts. We'll link that to the blog post where you will add some more phrases and some other terms I really want to dive deep into the ones that we just touch and then right now we kind of do we're going to do this like lightning round of some other common words or phrases that you might see and probably will see, especially when you first step off the plane if you're coming to Hawaii for the very first time, and he looks towards the restroom after that, you know, six hour flight, and you're gonna see what is what is a cane a What is that?

Kahanuola Solatorio 15:57

Yeah, what's a cane? Yeah. So that's exactly when you come to Hawaii and you see two signs one saying cane and one saying Well, I mean, just know that they're very important word. Right? So the first one it would actually be pronounced Connie. Yeah, so Connie means male or any like a man. So if you aren't male use that bathroom. That's just Connie. And then the other one is what he now Weiner. Yeah, so what he name is female or woman

Bryan Murphy 16:25

right? And then probably sandwich in between I'm just utilizing this bathroom illustrations kind of sandwiched in between you probably will see an ohana.

Kahanuola Solatorio 16:35

Yeah, yeah. So ohana means family. And you me we all watch Lilo and Stitch. So we all should know what family means. Yeah. So ohana means family. And then if you there's a kk probably on the side, and then that's going to be a child.

Bryan Murphy 16:50

Also, you may hear the word Kanaka.

Kahanuola Solatorio 16:53

Yeah. Which means Kanaka means like a just a human or a person. Sometimes it can be translated to like mankind or like a man, but that's where it gets kind of Blurred Lines, because Kanaka I would just consider it as a human since Connie is a man. Yeah. Yeah.

Bryan Murphy 17:10

Okay, that makes sense. All right, moving on.

Kahanuola Solatorio 17:13

Maybe you're gonna be asking for directions. The word for towards the sea would be so it's funny in Hawaii, like when you ask for directions, it's a little bit different. You know, it's not like turn left on blah blah blah turn right on that we use these two very general terms and the first one is MCI, MCI which means towards the C or C word. So if you wanted to say like you know where is a beach you can say Oh, just go MCI have go seaward from this location, you know? And then the other one would be mocha mocha. Yeah, so mocha means towards like mountain word or towards the mountain. So those are pretty much our two senses of direction. We don't have uswest we have mountain or mocha and mocha. Yeah, we just get you know, just

Bryan Murphy 18:03

figure it out.

Kahanuola Solatorio 18:04

Yeah, next we have kokua try that with me Coco Coco. Okay, so Coco means to help and you know, Coco, just help whoever you can help the old lady who is carrying her groceries or help you know, a friend and Esther move. You know, that's cocoa is a word that every can use you not only be in Hawaii, you can also always cocoa anyone wherever you go. And then

Unknown Speaker 18:27

a word that we unpacked a few weeks ago, from the time of this recording made a lady is our next word is lay. Yeah. And lay. Again,

Kahanuola Solatorio 18:37

it's a hard to translate lay, because they can be. So all sorts of things. But if you break it down, it pretty much just means garland. Something you wear on your body around your neck would be considered a lay. I would highly recommend turning into that podcast a couple weeks ago because you know, kind of just unpacks what lay what they are, or the importance of day. Yeah. So our next word is Holly. And Holly means house. So kind of important because, again, another word that you can use, wherever you're from, you know, not only when you come to Hawaii, you can mallamma your holiday take care of your house or you know, definitely right, we can go into another one and this is going to be Whoa, Kelly, you want to try that. Oh, Kayla. So hold Kelly means hotel, you know, and you can it's kind of another Hawaiian nice word version of hotel Coachella. So, yeah, so many people are going to be staying at a hotel. Or if you're at an Airbnb then a Holly. Yeah, most of your hotels or your houses come with this. And I you know, I hear this on on some shows. And another word that kinda is popular, maybe adopted. Yeah, adopted. Yeah. And that's Lanai. Lanai. So Lanai is your patio or like a balcony. So you know many hotels, people like to just sit on the Lanai, look at the ocean, you know, just enjoy the Hawaiian breeze. So Yeah, Lanai.

Bryan Murphy 20:01

Alright, so right here, we're gonna do a little little pivot con who doesn't know this is coming? Let me start, but I think it would be important to do justice to the islands and how to pronounce each island correctly. Got it? Because when you look at the spelling, Lanai, and then you see the island that spelled Yeah, the same way but pronounced differently. Yeah, yeah. So maybe maybe starting with Big Island.

Kahanuola Solatorio 20:30

Yeah. You know, big island has also always been known to me when I was growing up as Big Island. This because you know, it's the biggest out of the eight islands. But the real name or the main name of that island is Hawaii. So Hawaii Island, Hawaii. Yeah. And you can you know, people say like, with the Wii, Hawaii, or people even say Hawaii, either or works. And even my mom she was Hawaii. So it's you there's many different pronunciations and I'm not saying it which one is right or wrong, but the way I would say it is Hawaii, Hawaii. Yeah, good job. Okay, moving to the next Island would be Maui. Maui. And this is a weird one because people go Maui or you know, Maui wowie. So, kind of more biting down on the on the vowels. Maui. Maui. Okay. Yeah, yeah. But the longest one is probably the hardest to pronounce is coho, lovey. coho all lovey, lovey. Yeah. And I hear so many weird pronunciation of a Coahuila, a cool Avi, you know? So kahal love a love. And this is one of the islands and you cannot go to unless you're doing like a cleanup kind of thing with them. So, yeah, it

Bryan Murphy 21:46

was probably a year or two ago now. There was a pretty big fire on the island. Yeah. And I know there's been efforts in a restoration project to there. Yeah.

Kahanuola Solatorio 21:58

So for years and years, they've been working on restoring Kolaveri to its original, you know, way, but you know, it was bombed earlier by America, just as it was used as bombing practice or targets. So yeah, that's why one of the things you got to watch where you're going because there's still live bombs that are in the ground, so yeah, yeah. It's crazy. I haven't been there. But hopefully one day I can go Yeah.

Bryan Murphy 22:26

Okay. When you land on Maui, you're driving from the airport. You got West Maui mountains, on one side, Haleakala on the other and you so you're driving here like oh, this is why it's called the Valley Isle. Yeah. And you're seeing these three other islands too. Yeah. So this is one of them. And then there's the other two are?

Kahanuola Solatorio 22:46

Yeah, so the one we were talking about earlier, la noche de la de la nuit. II. Yeah. So now he actually has a capo, or over the first day, which is it just align over the vowels and that just tells you to draw the vowel sound so Lana, Lana, yeah, so different from Lanai but lemon. And then the other one would be Molokai, Molokai, Molokai II, and this is kind of tricky because even the natives of Molokai II have different ways of pronouncing it Some say Molokai without Okinawa. Some just say Molokai II, I don't know. I've always known as Morocco. So that's what I call it as and that's that's my actual favorite Island. Yeah. Out of the eight. Yeah, because my dad was born there. I family there, you know, has ties there. It's called the friendly aisle for a reason because the people are just so so nice. So family oriented. So you know, they become your friends quickly. So yeah, love that island. That's awesome. Moving on to the island that I'm on right now. Or ahoo. Oh, yeah. And this was interesting to a lot of people pronounce it with a W they go oh wahoo Allahu, but just know that there's a okina between the O and the A. So that shows it's uh oh, you know, Aha. So just make sure you pronounce that. Okay. Not a very strongly or the last two is kawaii one. kawaii kawaii. Yeah. And some people call it Koi. Even some of the natives. So it depends. I call it kawaii. And then the last one is Ni Hao. Ni. Yeah. So Ni hao isn't the other island that you cannot just go and visit. It's a couple. It's sacred Island. So yeah, so those are the eight islands. And I think one of the things to keep in mind too, when you're saying Hawaiian words is just know where the Okinawa's are, and the QA calls all those criticals because it helps you to, you know, get the word correct. If you keep that in mind, then you'll know what you're saying or how to say it a little bit better.

Bryan Murphy 24:39

Gotcha. All right. Any Island you visit, you want to be mindful of picking this up and that is

Kahanuola Solatorio 24:47

Yeah, so Apollo, Apollo, Apollo, yeah, Apollo means trash. So every time you you leave some place or make sure you pick up your Apollo and you know, Hawaii has been very good. In the past couple of years about, you know, making laws banning plastic landing plastic bags, styrofoam, all that stuff so we're very conscious of our impact on the earth so

Bryan Murphy 25:12

yeah, probably anyone who's wants to visit Hawaii is hoping to see one of these and that's what a whole new so a whole new is a turtle. Hawaiian green sea turtle. So

Kahanuola Solatorio 25:24

yeah, if you're lucky you can come across a beautiful hollow either at the beach nesting or in the water. And I've I was lucky enough to see many honu throughout my life but don't touch him. Just don't go near them. That's the thing right there couple their secret. Just don't mess with them. You can admire them from afar.

Bryan Murphy 25:45

Yeah, right. Please don't be that person. That person that that one story on Instagram.

Kahanuola Solatorio 25:53

Yeah, I saw keynote goes viral and not in a way and it's Yeah, it's not yet find you know, so. Yeah, just my mind your space. Six feet. Not actually more than Yeah, yeah.

Bryan Murphy 26:08

That's Coronavirus, bro.

Kahanuola Solatorio 26:11

Sorry, I forgot.

Bryan Murphy 26:14

Okay, so this is probably my favorite.

Kahanuola Solatorio 26:17

Yeah. Paul ohana. ohana. Yeah. So Paul actually means, like, done or finished. And Hannah means work, when you're done with the work and you just want to go home and relax. And, you know, spend time with your family? Open up a cold one. We call that Paul? What's that? Oh, I don't like juice or water, you know? So yeah, I gotta wait a little bit. So

Unknown Speaker 26:42

it's five o'clock somewhere. Right? Exactly.

Kahanuola Solatorio 26:46

I like the words, there's literally very random. So it's super random.

Bryan Murphy 26:51

But these are, I think a lot of terms that you'll come in contact with. As you're in Hawaii, or even as you're dreaming and maybe researching about Hawaii, you'll probably come across a lot of these words. And having a just an understanding of these words and phrases is so culturally important to where you're traveling. And yeah, you're going to have a great time. And you're going to do all the things that you're going to do in a responsible way. But everything that we do Hawaii's Best, we want to make sure that we draw back to a Hawaiian culture the best as we can. So thank you so much. Yeah, it's very important. And so you know, sometimes overlooked part of traveling, but try your best to immerse yourself in the language, the culture, everything. So yeah, yeah, good intentions.

Kahanuola Solatorio 27:44

Maybe. Yeah, that's a good way to put it. Yeah, absolutely. We actually have a very convenient website, and that is going to be the heavy head Comm. So w e, h, e, w e, h e.com. And that our Hawaiian language dictionary, so everything from our book dictionary is online as well. So if you ever want to look up a word, or you're like come across a word that you think is very beautiful, just go to the heaven.com. And you can look them up

Bryan Murphy 28:11

right there. And maybe just kind of on that same topic. If there's anybody who was interested in maybe taking steps further towards learning about wild language, what would you recommend,

Kahanuola Solatorio 28:22

so there's many resources for you to to use. One thing that I really enjoy are the apps Duolingo. There's a Hawaiian language version of Duolingo, and also drops which helps you with your vocabulary when vocabulary, so that's a good one. Also, you can follow my channel, hopefully Monday, we do daily Hawaiian language lessons in the morning, and we have online Google Classroom resource that you can tap into so many resources that are convenient and accessible online. So

Bryan Murphy 28:53

yeah, absolutely. Following your page and utilizing personally Duolingo has been good for. For me, it's not sponsored by the podcast or anything like that. So that's just what I personally use. But there's a lot of great resources out there. So be sure to check that out. And we'll link all that and all that good stuff. So ca Nui are unofficial cultural practitioner. Thank you so much again,

Kahanuola Solatorio 29:19


Bryan Murphy 29:20

thank you for your time and looking forward to hanging out again. And thank you so much for listening to this podcast. And if you found it valuable, go ahead and leave a rating review below that helps out both myself and Connie and being able to spread this message. So thank you so much. And until next time, be well, Aloha.

Hawaii's Best 29:44

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Bryan Murphy
Bryan Murphy

Bryan Murphy, owner of Hawaii’s Best Travel, is a certified Hawaii destination expert from the Hawaii Visitors Bureau. He actively participates in the Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau as a member and has a strong educational background focused on local culture and sustainability. As the host of “Hawaii’s Best Travel,” a top-30 US travel podcast, Bryan combines his years of experience with valuable insights. He connects with a broad online community, reaching nearly half a million people, and offers a richer, more responsible way to experience Hawaii.