Episode 98 – The Stairway to Heaven Hike: The History and Future of the Ha’ikū Stairs

by | Aug 2, 2023

Photo credit: Friends of Ha’ikū Stairs

In the stunning landscapes of Oahu lies a piece of history that intertwines World War II, a mystical Hawaiian staircase, and modern-day city council disputes.

The Ha’ikū Stairs, fondly known as the Stairway to Heaven, invites you to uncover its rich backstory and the ongoing struggle over its preservation.

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Discovering the Stairway to Heaven

The story of the Ha’ikū Stairs is deeply rooted in World War II, where it emerged as a symbol of resilience post the Pearl Harbor attack.

Originally built as a route to reach a US Navy communications facility, this incredible steel structure boasts 3,922 steps but is currently not open to the public.

In 2021, the Honolulu city council cast a vote favoring the removal of the stairs, igniting a fierce debate among conservationists, historians, and the local community.

The Guardians of the Stairs

Formed in 1987 in response to the closure of the stairs, Friends of Ha’ikū Stairs is a non-profit dedicated to protecting the Haiku Stairs and its environment. Their mission involves maintaining the structure, removing invasive species, and raising awareness about the importance of this historical landmark.

Contrary to popular belief, Holly dispels the myth of the stairs’ inherent danger, stating there have been zero deaths or lawsuits associated with the stairs in its 80-year history.

stairway to heaven hike oahu

The Preservation Struggle

The current legal status of the stairs is mired in controversy, with plans to dismantle the structure in the pipeline. An alternative proposal by the Ko’olau Foundation suggests transforming the area into a cultural park.

This situation sparks crucial discussions on various fronts.

  • First, it emphasizes the need for adequate safety measures to ensure the well-being of individuals visiting the stairs.
  • Second, it examines the potential for reopening the structure with the backing of government authorities.
  • Finally, it highlights the ecological significance of the stairs from a botanical perspective, underlining their role within the local ecosystem.

Lending a Voice to the Cause

Holly urges listeners to lend their voices and resources to the cause. This can be achieved through buying a shirt, donating to the Friends of Ha’ikū Stairs, signing the petition (registered voting residents only), or engaging in respectful discussions about the future of the stairs on social media.

As we delve deeper into the complexities of preserving the Ha’ikū Stairs, we underscore the importance of community engagement and public support.

Ultimately, the tale of the Ha’ikū Stairs is more than just a historical narrative; it’s a testament to the importance of heritage preservation and respectful tourism.

This situation brings to the fore the critical task of striking a balance between two key elements.

On the one hand, we need to safeguard our past, ensuring that the history and stories embodied by landmarks such as the Ha’ikū Stairs are not lost or forgotten.

On the other, we must also pave the way for a future where these same historical landmarks continue to inspire awe, respect, and curiosity in future generations.

The tale of the Ha’ikū Stairs is not static but a dynamic narrative, constantly unfolding and inviting participation.

The future of the Ha’ikū Stairs is not a foregone conclusion, but one that we all have the power to shape. Join us, as we delve into how you can play a part in this ongoing story.

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Bryan Murphy

Bryan Murphy

Bryan Murphy, owner of Hawaii’s Best Travel, is a certified Hawaii destination expert from the Hawaii Visitors Bureau. He actively participates in the Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau as a member and has a strong educational background focused on local culture and sustainability. As the host of “Hawaii’s Best Travel,” a top-30 US travel podcast, Bryan combines his years of experience with valuable insights. He connects with a broad online community, reaching nearly half a million people, and offers a richer, more responsible way to experience Hawaii.