Top 5 Best Eco-Friendly Resorts in Hawaii: Sustainable Luxury Accommodations (2024)

by | Jun 4, 2024

Are you searching for the perfect balance between luxury and sustainability on your next Hawaiian vacation?

Discover Hawaii’s top 5 best eco-friendly resorts, where comfort meets environmental consciousness.

These beautiful and eco-friendly lodges offer a unique experience, blending luxurious stays with practices that protect the natural beauty of Hawaii.


The Best Eco-Friendly Resorts in Hawaii Are:

  1. Four Seasons Resort Hualalai
  2. Mauna Lani Bay Hotel & Bungalows
  3. The Fairmont Orchid
  4. Turtle Bay Resort
  5. Maui Eco Retreat

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This best eco-friendly resorts in Hawaii post is written by Bryan Murphy, an expert in Hawaii travel and a top-rated podcast host. The post may contain affiliate links, meaning I may earn a small commission if you use the provided links. Learn more on my privacy policy page.

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🏨 Accommodations: We recommend Expedia

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🌋 Attractions: We recommend Get Your Guide

🌺 Luaus and Tours: We recommend Hawaii Tours

📱 Mobile Tour App: Our favorite is Shaka Guide

In this post, we will explore the best places to stay, highlighting their green initiatives and cultural immersion programs.

Whether you’re looking for a retreat surrounded by lush landscapes or a resort located on the pristine shores of Oahu, we’ve got something for everyone.

Let’s explore how these eco-resorts make your Hawaiian getaway both luxurious and sustainable.

Key Takeaways of the Best Eco Resorts in Hawaii

  • Hawaii’s eco-friendly resorts adopt sustainability practices like solar energy, rainwater harvesting, and recycling to minimize environmental impact.
  • Resorts such as Four Seasons Resort Hualalai and Turtle Bay Resort offer cultural immersion programs including traditional Hawaiian luaus, hula dancing classes, and lei-making workshops.
  • Mauna Lani Bay Hotel & Bungalows promotes guest participation in local conservation efforts and hands-on activities like native planting and learning ancient fishing methods.
  • Maui Eco Retreat uses renewable energy sources, including solar power, and provides on-site organic farming which supplies fresh produce for guests’ meals.

Defining Eco-Friendly Resorts in Hawaii

Eco-friendly resorts care for the environment. They also respect local culture and traditions.

Sustainability Practices

Sustainability practices in Hawaii’s eco-friendly resorts include using solar energy and recycling materials. These methods reduce the carbon footprint and conserve resources.

Many of these resorts have rainwater harvesting systems to save water.

This helps keep fresh water available for everyone, especially during dry periods.

Resorts like Four Seasons Resort Hualalai have won awards for their green initiatives. They use solar panels to generate electricity and compost food waste.

At Mauna Lani Bay Hotel & Bungalows, there are programs for recycling and local conservation efforts that guests can join.

Staying at such places allows you to enjoy a luxurious vacation while helping protect Hawaii’s natural beauty.

Integration with Local Culture

Visitors can enjoy a deeper connection with Hawaiian culture at eco-friendly resorts. Many of these places offer traditional Hawaiian luaushula dancing classes, and lei-making workshops.

Resorts like Turtle Bay focus on local conservation and highlight the importance of the natural environment in Hawaiian traditions.

Cultural immersion programs are also popular at Mauna Lani Bay Hotel & Bungalows. Guests can join storytelling sessions about Hawaiian legends or participate in native planting activities.

These experiences not only entertain but educate visitors about the rich history and customs of Hawaii, making your stay meaningful and memorable.

1. Four Seasons Resort Hualalai (Hawaii Island)

Four Seasons Resort Hualalai Hawaii Island

Credit: Four Seasons Resort Hualalai

Four Seasons Resort Hualalai blends luxury with nature. This resort focuses on protecting the environment and offering unique experiences to guests.

Sustainability Features

Four Seasons Resort Hualalai uses renewable energy and has earned awards for its eco-friendly practices. Solar panels power much of the resort, reducing its carbon footprint significantly.

Guest Experiences

Guests at Four Seasons Resort Hualalai rave about the luxurious yet eco-friendly experiences.

The resort offers infinity pools, top-notch water sports, and elegant rooms with breathtaking views of the Kona-Kohala coast— all while maintaining a strong commitment to sustainability.

Guests can enjoy world-class dining that uses locally sourced ingredients, making every meal both delicious and environmentally conscious.

Community involvement is also key here; you might find yourself joining a beach cleaning event or participating in local cultural programs.

2. Mauna Lani Bay Hotel & Bungalows (Hawaii Island)

Mauna Lani Bay Hotel & Bungalows

Credit: Mauna Lani

You’ll love the eco-friendly efforts at Mauna Lani Bay Hotel & Bungalows. Enjoy activities that connect you with Hawaiian culture and nature.

Environmental Initiatives

Many eco-resorts in Hawaii focus on sustainability. They use solar powerrecycle materials, and support local conservation projects.

You can see the impact of these efforts all around you — from energy-efficient lighting to water-saving fixtures.

Experience programs that let you dive into Hawaiian culture at Mauna Lani Bay Hotel & Bungalows. This resort teaches guests about traditional practices and respects nature’s balance.

Mauna Lani Bay Hotel & Bungalows promotes sustainable living through various environmental initiatives. The hotel employs rainwater collection systems to conserve water and supports local conservation efforts.

Visitors can plant native trees or learn ancient fishing methods. These activities enhance your stay and help preserve Hawaii’s natural beauty for future generations.

Hawaiian Cultural Immersion Programs

Mauna Lani Bay Hotel & Bungalows offers unique cultural immersion programs. Join traditional Hawaiian activities like lei-making and ukulele lessons. Listen to ancient legends shared by local storytellers.

Participate in outrigger canoe paddling or hula dancing classes.

Immerse yourself in the island’s rich heritage through guided tours of historic sites. Learn about native plants at the resort’s lush gardens.

Mauna Lani even has a fishpond program where you can help maintain ancient Hawaiian fish ponds while learning their significance.

Enjoy authentic dining experiences featuring locally sourced ingredients and traditional dishes.

3. The Fairmont Orchid (Hawaii Island)

The Fairmont Orchid

Credit: The Fairmont Orchid

The Fairmont Orchid stands out with its strong green practices. Guests can enjoy the stunning coastline while staying in luxurious, eco-friendly accommodations.

Green Practices

The Fairmont Orchid champions green practices by harnessing renewable energy sources. Solar panels stretch across the resort, reducing its carbon footprint significantly.

Water conservation is a big focus, with low-flow fixtures and rainwater harvesting systems in place.

Involvement with the community remains vital. The hotel supports local farmers by sourcing fresh produce for their restaurants.

Engaging educational programs teach guests about Hawaiian culture and sustainability efforts, making every stay enriching and responsible.

Discover lush gardens featuring native plants that thrive without excessive water use. This eco-lodge also prioritizes waste reduction through extensive recycling programs and composting organic waste from its kitchens.

The Fairmont Orchid boasts several green practices including composting programs and energy-efficient lighting. They also incorporate locally sourced food into their world-class dining options.

Community Involvement

The Fairmont Orchid partners with local communities to preserve Hawaii’s natural beauty. They work on beach clean-ups and coral reef restoration projects. Guests can join these activities, making a direct impact on conservation efforts.

You will also find programs to learn about Hawaiian culture and traditions.

Attend hula dancing classes or Hawaiian language lessons at the resort, all guided by knowledgeable locals who passionately share their heritage.

4. Turtle Bay Resort (Oahu)

Turtle Bay Resort Oahu

Credit: Turtle Bay Resort

Turtle Bay Resort offers a wide range of eco-friendly activities and focuses on conservation efforts to protect local wildlife and habitats.

On Oahu’s north shore, visitors are treated to a variety of eco-tours and activities focused on responsible travel practices. Imagine snorkeling in pristine waters or hiking along lush trails—all part of efforts to conserve Hawaii’s natural beauty.

Conservation Efforts

Eco-friendly resorts in Hawaii take conservation seriously. At Turtle Bay Resort, the focus is on preserving local wildlife and natural habitats. Solar panels provide renewable energy to power the resort.

Native plants surround the property to promote biodiversity.

The resort offers eco-tours and activities like beach clean-ups and hikes through lush landscapes. Guests can learn about marine life while snorkeling or kayaking in nearby waters.

You get a chance to help conserve this beautiful island for future visitors.

Staying at these resorts means minimizing your impact on the environment while enjoying luxury amenities. Sustainable tourism practices ensure that you leave only footprints behind.

Eco-Tours and Activities

Eco-tours and activities are a fantastic way to enjoy Hawaii’s beauty while protecting the environment. At Turtle Bay Resort, you’ll find many options to explore.

  • Snorkeling with Sea Turtles: Swim with majestic sea turtles in their natural habitat. Guides ensure both your safety and the turtles’.
  • Hiking Eco-Trails: Wander through lush vegetation on guided hikes. Learn about endemic plants and animals along the way.
  • Kayaking Adventures: Paddle through serene waters around Oahu. Keep an eye out for dolphins and colorful fish.
  • Conservation Projects: Participate in beach clean-ups and other conservation efforts. Feel good making a direct impact on the local environment.
  • Educational Tours: Join eco-guides who share knowledge about Hawaii’s ecosystems. Insights into volcanic formations, coral reefs, and more await you.
  • Organic Farm Visits: Visit local organic farms near the resort. Understand sustainable farming practices by interacting with farmers.
  • Bird Watching Excursions: Spot rare Hawaiian birds during special trips. Binoculars provided, expert bird watchers help identify different species.
  • Turtle Bay Resort dedicates efforts to wildlife conservation on Oahu’s north shore. Guests can participate in beach clean-ups or join guided eco-tours to learn more about protecting marine life.

Exploring these eco-friendly activities offers both adventure and learning opportunities.

5. Maui Eco Retreat (Maui)

Maui Eco Retreat

Credit: Maui Eco Retreat

Maui Eco Retreat offers a unique blend of nature and luxury. You’ll find yourself surrounded by renewable energy, organic farms, and breathtaking views.

Maui Eco Retreat exclusively uses renewable energy sources such as wind turbines and solar panels. The on-site organic farm provides fresh produce for guests, ensuring a truly sustainable stay.

Renewable Energy Use

The Maui Eco Retreat uses renewable energy. Solar power provides nearly all the electricity. This makes for a green and quiet stay.

Organic farming happens right on-site. The vegetables grown here help reduce food miles. Enjoy fresh meals straight from the earth!

Organic Farming On-Site

Maui Eco Retreat is a paradise for those who care about the planet. This eco-resort uses organic farming on-site to provide fresh, healthy food for guests. You can walk through lush gardens filled with fruits and vegetables.

Feel the connection with nature as you sample produce grown right there. Participate in farm activities like planting or harvesting crops—an experience that deepens your bond with Hawaii’s land.

Enjoy meals knowing they support sustainable practices and local ecosystems.

Best Eco-Friendly Resorts in Hawaii Wrap-Up

The top 5 best eco-friendly resorts in Hawaii offer a perfect blend of luxury and sustainability. From the Four Seasons Resort Hualalai’s renewable energy initiatives to Turtle Bay Resort’s conservation efforts, each eco-resort in Hawaii provides unique experiences that respect and protect the environment.

These beautiful and eco-friendly lodges allow you to enjoy a luxurious stay while immersing yourself in the rich culture and natural beauty of Hawaii.

Ready to book your next Hawaiian vacation? Choose to stay at one of these amazing eco-resorts and experience the best of sustainable luxury.

Whether you’re looking for a retreat surrounded by lush landscapes or a resort located on the pristine shores of the island of Oahu, these eco-friendly hotels and lodges offer something for everyone.

Enjoy your stay knowing you’re supporting the preservation of Hawaii’s natural beauty.

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FAQs of the Best Eco-Lodges in Hawaii

1. What makes an eco-friendly resort in Hawaii special?

An eco-friendly resort in Hawaii focuses on sustainability and uses renewable energy. They aim to protect the beauty of the islands while offering comfortable stays.

2. Which is one of the best eco-resorts on the Big Island?

The Hawaii Island Retreat, located on the North Kohala Coast, is one of the best eco-resorts. It offers spacious rooms and many sustainable efforts.

3. Do these resorts offer luxury accommodations?

Yes! Many eco-lodges in Hawaii provide luxury accommodations with all needed for a comfortable stay. Some even have restaurant and bar options.

4. Can you name some popular eco-hotels in Oahu?

Sure! The Ewa Hotel Waikiki and Alohilani Resort are among popular choices for tourists looking for environmentally friendly places to stay.

5. Are there activities available at these resorts?

Absolutely! Eco-resorts often offer a range of activities like hiking, snorkeling, or yoga—making it an ideal spot for relaxation and adventure.

6. How do these resorts contribute to sustainable travel?

These hotels lead in sustainability by using renewable electricity, reducing waste, and promoting eco-tourism practices that protect natural resources.

Bryan Murphy

Bryan Murphy

Bryan Murphy, owner of Hawaii’s Best Travel, is a certified Hawaii destination expert from the Hawaii Visitors Bureau. He actively participates in the Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau as a member and has a strong educational background focused on local culture and sustainability. As the host of “Hawaii’s Best Travel,” a top-30 US travel podcast, Bryan combines his years of experience with valuable insights. He connects with a broad online community, reaching nearly half a million people, and offers a richer, more responsible way to experience Hawaii.