Episode 117: Koloa Rum Company: What Makes Hawaiian Rum Unique?

by | Mar 6, 2024

Today, we’re venturing into the lush landscapes of Kauai to explore a story steeped in heritage, culture, and the smooth, rich flavors of rum.

Join me as we sit down with Bob Gunter, President and CEO of the Kōloa Rum Company, a beacon of Hawaiian tradition and a testament to the island’s rich history of sugarcane cultivation.

Why listen to this episode? Because it’s more than just about rum. It’s a journey through time, a celebration of Hawaiian culture, and an exploration of sustainable practices that make Kōloa Rum a symbol of true aloha spirit.

Whether you’re a rum aficionado, a lover of Hawaiian history, or someone who cherishes sustainable travel, this episode offers something for everyone.

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The Legacy of Sugarcane in Hawaii

The history of sugarcane in Hawaii is as rich and complex as the flavors of Kōloa Rum itself. Sugarcane cultivation dates back to the ancient Polynesian voyagers, marking the beginning of an era that would shape the islands’ agricultural and economic landscape. Bob Gunter shares the fascinating journey of sugarcane and its pivotal role in Hawaiian culture, leading to the establishment of the Kōloa Rum Company in 2009, amidst the fading echoes of commercial sugar production.

Nestled on Kauai, also known as The Garden Isle, Kōloa Rum Company has been distilling premium Hawaiian rums crafted from pure cane sugar and rainwater from Mount Waiʻaleʻale. This commitment to local sourcing not only honors the legacy of sugarcane in Hawaii but also supports the local economy, providing employment opportunities and preserving the agricultural land that is so vital to Kauai’s identity.

Sourcing Locally: A Sustainable Philosophy

In our conversation, Bob Gunter emphasizes the importance of local sourcing, a philosophy that lies at the heart of Kōloa Rum Company’s operations.

By relying on locally grown sugarcane, Kōloa Rum is not just crafting spirits; it’s sustaining a tradition and supporting the local community.

This approach not only ensures the highest quality of ingredients but also aligns with the company’s dedication to environmental stewardship and sustainability.

Topics Discussed in This Episode

  • The historical significance of sugarcane in Hawaii and its cultural impact.
  • The inception and evolution of Kōloa Rum Company, including its challenges and triumphs.
  • The importance of local sourcing and sustainability in Kōloa Rum Company’s business practices.
  • Insights into the unique visitor experience at the Kōloa Rum distillery.

Join us as we uncover the story of Kōloa Rum Company, from its humble beginnings to its rise as a symbol of Hawaiian heritage and sustainable practices.

It’s a tale of passion, perseverance, and the spirit of aloha that resonates through every bottle of rum they produce.

Mahalo for tuning in, and remember to subscribe to Hawaii’s Best Travel for more stories that bring the spirit of Hawaii to you, no matter where you are in the world.

Until next time, aloha and safe travels!

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Bumper music, Ukulele and Chill, provided by Coby G (used with permission)
Bumper music, Aloha Friday, provided by Clay D (used with permission)


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Bryan Murphy

Bryan Murphy, owner of Hawaii’s Best Travel, is a certified Hawaii destination expert from the Hawaii Visitors Bureau. He actively participates in the Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau as a member and has a strong educational background focused on local culture and sustainability. As the host of "Hawaii’s Best Travel," a top-30 US travel podcast, Bryan combines his years of experience with valuable insights. He connects with a broad online community, reaching nearly half a million people, and offers a richer, more responsible way to experience Hawaii.