A Hui Hou Meaning: Learn This Hawaiian Phrase for Your Trip to Hawaii

by | Dec 15, 2023

When you visit Hawaii, knowing this phrase is good manners, especially at important times like funerals where it shows deep care.

A Hui Hou Meaning

A Hui Hou is a Hawaiian phrase that translates to “until we meet again.” This phrase is often used in farewells, encapsulating a sentiment of hopeful reunion.

In contrast, “Aloha,” another common Hawaiian term, is more frequently employed as a greeting, but it can also mean goodbye or express love.

A Hui Hou emphasizes the anticipation of future meetings, reflecting a positive and forward-looking aspect of Hawaiian culture.

A hui hou, pronounced “ah-hoo-ee hoh” is a phrase that sounds as friendly as the feeling behind it. There’s even a special way to say it when you’re with a group: “A Hui Hou Kākou,” or “until we meet again, everyone.”

There are many other Hawaiian words and phrases that can help you connect with the local culture during your trip.

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This A Hui Hou meaning post is written by Bryan Murphy, an expert in Hawaii travel and a top-rated podcast host. The post may contain affiliate links, meaning I may earn a small commission that goes back into maintaining this site if you use the provided links.

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In Hawaii, languages mixed together over time to make sure everyone could talk to each other. Words like Mahalo for “thank you” and ‘Ohana for “family” are part of the rich language here.

Understanding these words can make your Hawaiian experience truly special. Let’s uncover the beauty of A Hui Hou and other Hawaiian phrases together!

Pronunciation of A Hui Hou

To say A Hui Hou, you will want to sound it out like “ah-hoo-ee hoh. Take your time and speak each part of the phrase slowly. First, say “ah”, just like you’re opening your mouth for the doctor.

Then go on to “hoo-ee”, which rhymes with ‘gooey’. Finish off with “hoh” – think of it as saying ‘ho’ with a bit of breath at the end.

Getting this right shows respect for Hawaiian culture and makes talking with locals more fun. You might use this phrase when you leave a beautiful beach or say goodbye to someone you met while exploring Hawaii.

Now that we’ve got pronunciation down, let’s look into what these words mean in English.

Literal Translation of A Hui Hou

Now that you know how to say A Hui Hou, let’s dive into what it really means. The words “A Hui Hou” translate directly to “until we meet again.”

This phrase isn’t just a simple goodbye; it’s more like saying, “I’ll see you later.” It carries the hope and expectation that people will see each other once more.

In Hawaii, connections between friends and family are strong. People believe in keeping relationships for life. That’s why they use A Hui Hou. It is a promise of coming back together in the future.

When Hawaiians say this phrase, they share their wish to stay close with those they care about.

A Hui Hou holds much warmth and love within it. Instead of an ending, it offers the comfort of another meeting ahead.

Whenever you leave someone or some place special in Hawaii, remember these words: A Hui Hou is your way to hold on to goodbyes tenderly until your paths cross again.

Cultural Significance of A Hui Hou

a hui hou meaning - goodbye

Ka’ena Point: This location, known for its dramatic lava shoreline, is believed to be where the souls of ancient Hawaiians leaped into the spirit world to unite with their ancestors. Offering scenic vistas of the Waiʻanae coast to the south and Mokulēʻia to the north, alongside the expansive Pacific Ocean, it’s understandable why this point is considered sacred.

A Hui Hou holds cultural significance in Hawaiian farewells and funeral traditions, reflecting the deep-rooted values of gratitude and respect within the native Hawaiian community.

To learn more about this unique phrase and its impact on Hawaiian culture, continue reading below.

A Hui Hou in Hawaiian Farewells

In Hawaii, saying goodbye takes a special form. People often say “A Hui Hou” instead of a simple farewell. This means “until we meet again.” It’s more than just words; it’s a kind promise that you will see each other once more.

This phrase shows the warm and hopeful spirit of the Hawaiian people.

For travelers leaving the islands, using “A Hui Hou” can show respect and embrace local customs. You might hear it at a restaurant in Waikiki or from new friends you’ve made on your trip.

It’s not just about leaving; it’s about holding onto the connection to paradise and its people until you return.

A Hui Hou in Funeral Traditions

Now, let’s delve into how “A Hui Hou” carries significance in funeral traditions. It holds a special place as a Hawaiian farewell phrase and is commonly used to express hope and respect when saying goodbye to a loved one for the last time.

The phrase deeply reflects the cultural values of connection, honor, and reverence within Hawaiian communities during times of loss.

In funerals, “A Hui Hou” serves as a comforting reminder that farewells are not final; they carry the sentiment of reunion and eternal connection.

Its translation, “until we meet again,” encapsulates the belief in continuity beyond this life, offering solace to those bidding farewell.

RELATED PODCAST: Hawaiian Words to Know

Other Common Hawaiian Words and Phrases

Here are some more common Hawaiian words and phrases that you might find useful during your trip to Hawaii:

  1. Aloha: This versatile word means both “hello” and “goodbye.” It’s also used to convey love, peace, and compassion.
  2. Mahalo: Use this word to express gratitude or say “thank you” while interacting with locals.
  3. Ohana: This word represents the concept of family, including blood relatives, extended family, and close friends.
  4. Hauʻoli: Meaning “happy,” this word can be used to express joy or pleasure in various situations.
  5. Kōkua: When you need help or assistance, use this word as it means “to help” or “to assist.”
  6. Pau hana: Referring to the end of the workday, this phrase means “finished work,” signaling the start of leisure time.
  7. Makai / Mauka: These directional terms are frequently used for navigation; “makai” indicates toward the sea, while “mauka” points inland or toward the mountains.
  8. Ono: Describing something that is delicious or tasty, this term is often used when discussing food or flavors.
  9. Keiki: Use this word when referring to children or young ones; it signifies youthfulness and innocence.
  10. Kuleana: Representing responsibility and privilege, this term encourages a sense of duty and accountability within the community.

A Hui Hou Meaning Wrap-Up

As you end your trip to Hawaii, remember “A Hui Hou” means “until we meet again.” Learning this phrase can deepen your understanding of Hawaiian culture. Embrace the local language to show respect and appreciation for the beautiful islands.

So practice saying “A Hui Hou” as you bid aloha to this tropical paradise!

FAQs for A Hui Hou Meaning

1. What does “A Hui Hou” mean?

“A Hui Hou” means “until we meet again.” It’s a key Hawaiian phrase you might hear when you leave Hawaii or say goodbye to someone there.

2. How do I pronounce “A Hui Hou”?

To pronounce “A Hui Hou,” say it like this: ah-hoo-ee hoh. Make sure you practice so you can sound like a local!

3. Is “A Hui Hou” part of the Hawaiian language or Pidgin?

“A Hui Hou” is from the Hawaiian language, not Pidgin. Pidgin is another way people talk in Hawaii, mixing English with words from many places around the world. You’ll want to not try to speak pidgin as a visitors.

4. Will I hear “A Hui Hou” a lot when visiting Hawaii?

Yes! You’re likely to hear “A Hui Hou” often as it’s a popular and warm way for Hawaiians to say farewell.

5. Can I use other phrases besides “A Hui Hou” while in Hawaii?

Sure! There are lots of phrases in both the Hawaiian language and Hawaiian Pidgin that visitors might hear, like “Mahalo” for thank you or “Aloha” as a tropical greeting.

6. Should I learn more about the Hawaiian language before my trip?

It’s always nice to learn some key Hawaiian phrases before your trip; locals will be happy to see you trying! Plus, understanding some words can help make your visit even more special.

Bryan Murphy

Bryan Murphy

Bryan Murphy, owner of Hawaii’s Best Travel, is a certified Hawaii destination expert from the Hawaii Visitors Bureau. He actively participates in the Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau as a member and has a strong educational background focused on local culture and sustainability. As the host of “Hawaii’s Best Travel,” a top-30 US travel podcast, Bryan combines his years of experience with valuable insights. He connects with a broad online community, reaching nearly half a million people, and offers a richer, more responsible way to experience Hawaii.